Ugly acting and song (醜い演技と歌) 踊りが下手なHandsome Your copulation is dirtier than money. (お前等の繋がりは金よりも汚い) Unprincipled strategist (無節操な策略家) 乱用middle aged spread (中年の自慢) ブラウン管の隅で天狗気分さ
Please disappear because it is an eyesore
(目障りだから消えろ) You were born from the mouth? (おまえは口から生まれたのか?) 節穴に売る媚びしか無い Your copulation is dirtier than money. (お前等の繋がりは金よりも汚い) Unprincipled strategist (無節操な策略家) 乱用middle aged spread (中年の自慢) 半狂乱な餓鬼はびしょ濡れさ
Please disappear because it is an eyesore
(目障りだから消えろ) It fails together if going straight.
(そのまま進んだら、全員一緒にしくじるぜ) Curtain of wine red (ワインレッドの幕) 識別出来ぬ 流されるまま 踊る夢 左右に倣う 歪 Masquerade (仮面舞踏会)
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